June 9, 2010

New Buggy!

~* ZOO *~

June 3, 2010

Ear Surgery

Gracie has had about 6 ear infections since she was born. She was fussy a lot and was always pulling at her ears. We went and talked with a consultant and they said she had horrible ears and that she'll be a lot happier and sick a lot less often if we get tubes in her ears. So we did! It was kinda rough on her and she didn't like it but she did good. I sure hope we start to results soon!!

May 24, 2010

~*~ Gracie's 1st Birthday ~*~

Video of Gracie's 1st Year

Fun at the Park

She loves eating rocks :)

...and pointing at everything!

and of course she loves to DANCE!!!

(sigh) that was fun.

We are Blessed

Steve got sworn in to the Sandy department..

...and got his car. I am so proud of you Stevie, i love you! ;)

Easter 2010

Mom & Me